What is Abstraction?

Cheese Pizza with Bacon
Cheese Pizza with Bacon Water & Oil media, stretched canvas

Abstraction was born from the breakup of matter with the space. The reason that she declared a divorce to the space is to compose on her own will. There are feelings that she wants to express on her own way and pace without regulations.

She does not want to follow any traditional rule. She wants to run free. Because of he loves her in deep, he proposes to remarry him, and promises her on being more flexible with her.

“My love, I let you grow on your own way under my love that will nurture you to unexpected horizons. On all the forms or colors that you desire.”

His word became gold. She started to grow along him without limitations. His generous heart made her to pour more from herself on her own pace and comfort. She was happy because she was able to put her own personality.

And they lived happily ever.

Tweet me, please, what is abstraction for you.

Note: I posted it before, and chose to share with some minor editing. I italicized the keywords that I associate with abstraction.

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