Category: Uncategorized

  • Art vs Artist 2022

    My first particpation on for this year. Thank to all you for your support on my creative journey.


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  • Drawing People

    Hii, y’all! As you can see on my latest social media posts, I’m drawing people more often than before. It’s fun so far! Building up their body shapes, then choosing the colors that best suit them. Finished, not perfect (Jake Parker).

    I’m satisfied with the outcomes even though I can do better. Recently, I’ve been studying human anatomy and perspective linear in the hope that I can improve my drawing skills.

    Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed my drawings, share this blog post with a friend! Make sure you’re subscribed to receive in your inbox my latest blog posts. I invite you to follow me on Facebook, and Instagram.

    Have a great day!


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  • Sketchbook on a Month

    Hey everyone! I know I didn’t update my blog for a while; oh well I am back. I am completing a goal that rarely did before: To finish a sketchbook in a month. I even ordered a new sketchbook before I hit the last page. I kept my word of wolf to make it a daily habit to draw even when doesn’t feel like drawing of all or lack of ideas. I draw because I love to draw. I draw knowing that the deliberate practice will lead me to meet satisfying outcomes.

    From top to bottom: Old sketchbook, Perspective Made Easy book, and new sketchbook.

    On my sketchbook you will find animals, random doodles, and people. Right now, my long-term goal is to become a freelance illustrator and comic artist. I need to develop a portfolio that displays a consistent body of artwork. To meet my long-term goals, I have to study and practice on each one the fundamentals of art. Recently, I started to study linear perspective to create depth on my drawings which you will see on a few weeks.

    Follow me in Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to get updates of my latest artworks. That’s all for now. Thank you for checking in my blog!

    Word of Wolf

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  • Quote # 1 Giorgio de Chirico

    Photograph of Chirico by Carl Van Vechten in 1936

    What is especially needed is great sensitivity: to look upon everything in the world as enigma….To live in the world as in an immense museum of strange things.

    Giorgio de Chirico, co-founder of Metaphysical art

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  • Digital Art

    Hello, just wanted share quick some of my recent digital artworks that I done with Clip Studio. I will write more about it later. Make sure you’re subscribed to receive in your inbox my latest blog posts. I invite you follow me in Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Have a great day!

    Discover more from Rafael Garrigos

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  • Mastery of Oneself

    How do you improve your skills? Daily practice. If you want to take one day off or more, that is okay, but please do not neglect for a long period of time. Procrastination is not cool, really. The results are fruitful when you are self-disciplined with your practice.

    One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”
    ― Leonardo da Vinci

    In the same token, I find what appeals me as artist while I explore my style with different mediums. I enjoy drawing animals and fictitious characters that I like. For example, Link (The Legend of Zelda video games), Spider-man (Marvel comics), and Squirtle (Pokémon).

    Since I am studying how to draw a horse, I plan to draw Link riding Epona. See? Something leads to something when you practice daily. My last drawing for this month is a horse that became the culmination of hours of studying on how to draw it. Drawing a horse in full body is my next step to reach my goal.

    Horse, ink and markers
    Horse, ink and markers

    My other goal is to draw my original characters, so I am studying a book by Andrew Loomis. I know that to stylize my character is important to understand the fundamentals. Proportions, anatomy, perspective, etc.

    And you guys, what you would like to improve? Which are your objectives to reach your goal?

    Don’t forget to check my other artworks in Instagram and Facebook too.

    Have a great weekend!

    Discover more from Rafael Garrigos

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  • On Colors and Character Design

    I regularly find myself analyzing my sketchbooks, wondering what I can learn from my visual development. Today I am writing to share with you my insights about what I created on the past weeks. Let us start on how is growing my fondness for pen, ink, watercolor, markers, and colored pencils. Ink was an intimidating medium that took me a while to loosen the flow of my marks that result in smooth lines. Sometime later, I followed some artists in YouTube that fed my confidence with pen and ink.

    When I looked on my drawings, I realized that colors lean more towards warm and bright. In that case, I choose the brightest color that complements with my warm palette when working with cold colors as blue. By the way, the subjects for my drawings tend to vary from time to time while I experiment with some mediums. I dabble between Disney movies’ characters and The Legend of Zelda video games’ Link. Pokemon and Marvel/DC comics too.

    I love to render textures, but I cannot wait to design good characters with more than a plain background. Next weeks I will study about those in the hope that I can render original characters with confidence. Sky is the limit!

    Fellow creative individuals:
    Wat are your insights on your latest creations?
    What did you learn about yourself or your creations?

    Wish you a creative week,

    • Shikigami Kooni
    • Wolf Pokemomn

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  • Inktober 2019 – Overall Thoughts

    Here’s my thoughts on doing Inktober by the first time, even though I missed a few prompts. What matters the most is the learned lessons over the course of the month. By the same token, my interest on watercolors and colored pencils grew further.

    • Let it go! Don’t be highly attached to your expectations because it will only frustrate you further.
    • Experiment with different mediums that mix with pen and ink. Not everything is black and white.
    • “Don’t worry, mistakes are good.” This phrase from one of my English professors resonated on my mind when I needed it during this art challenge. Keep a genuine interest on to learn from your mistakes.
    • If you are interested to pursue a career as an artist, use the art challenges to explore more on how to use your new skills and creations for future projects.
    • Don’t stop, just don’t! Keep creating even when an art challenge is over. If there is another that interests you, DO IT, NOW! The only things you will miss are a new body of artwork that is important for your creative growth.
    • “Style”? “Voice”? Stop to overthink about them. Just keep creating. Don’t waste your time on reaching them overnight. Use your precious time to create.
    • Fan art? Yes, go ahead! Not only you show appreciation for someone’s work, but also you get a chance to learn and apply your skills.
    • Keep your mind open to new ideas, techniques, mediums, Hint: It will feed your Creative Bank Account.
    • Don’t let your inner critic to jeopardize your creativity. Please, have fun! Even so Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
    • Stay accountable. I never knew the value of it despite of I got a longstanding experience on casual blogging. Yes, I missed a few prompts to get some personal space away from the screen. In that case, I returned with some new creations to share.

    All right, that’s everything for now. I wrote this in the hope that other artists try any art challenge that interest them. By the way, thank you to those that have been supporting my artistic journey. If you are no subscribed to my blog, you can sing up on the bottom of this post.


    Inktober 2019

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  • Inktober 2019 – Day # 10 Pattern

    Domino, ink and markers

    Domino, one of the 101 Dalmatians from Disney, is simple and sweet to draw. Learning to draw what I see is a skill I am working out without stressing on be perfectionist. I’m certain that my style will develop by itself if I draw daily. I keep on mind the importance to be patient during the process. From the initial drawing to the coloring.

    Thank you for following my art blog,


    Discover more from Rafael Garrigos

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  • Inktober 2019 – Day # 9 Swing

    Two sleeping foxes under a tree, colored pencils and ink

    This time I added more than the subject: the grass, two sleeping red foxes, and a black boot. Well, the truth is that the drawing built without an outline, it was more spontaneous than planned. My satisfaction was not fulfilled with the swing, then my dog snuggled on my couch, and an image of a sleeping red fox popped out on my mind.

    The idea of coloring some grass I considered while I placed the creatures. The boot? Just as I tried draw a flower with my brush pen, so a smudge messed up under the swing. Lesson: Use your creativity to fix the mistakes!

    In the long run, I enjoyed this drawing I created out from my imagination without specific references. I am enjoying the thrill of Inktober!

    Until the next post,


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