Inktober 2019 – Day # 1 – Ring in American Sign Language

I did something different instead to draw something that associates with ring. Yes, I’m hard of hearing, and my deaf girlfriend teaches me ASL. Not only because of my awareness on the Deaf culture, but also is fun to draw the hand from observation instead to use a photographic reference. I did with pen, ink and old sharpies. Random choice of colors just for fun.

RING in American Sing Language, pen and markers

This brings me memories from my guitar class. My teacher commented on the importance of consistent practice to master our craft. He used his hand on a simple gesture to show it. I will narrate on the best way I remember.

Professor: Can you draw it?
The class: Maybe
Professor: How about this? – He tilted his hand with a few bend fingers, on a diagonal angle.
The class: Shrugged shoulders with a lot of mutterings.
Professor: As long your practices are consistent, you will draw anything, same goes for the guitar.

I love to jam with my guitar, but is not something that I have on mind as a career. Art is my passion, writing comes second, and guitar playing comes on place. I am committed to draw daily to master my craft.

Here others I did before of my right hand doing American Sign Language.

To wrap up this post. I invite to read an article that made me to recall my passion from art since childhood.

To Find Your Next Act, Look Back To Your Childhood



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