Mastery of Oneself

How do you improve your skills? Daily practice. If you want to take one day off or more, that is okay, but please do not neglect for a long period of time. Procrastination is not cool, really. The results are fruitful when you are self-disciplined with your practice.

One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

In the same token, I find what appeals me as artist while I explore my style with different mediums. I enjoy drawing animals and fictitious characters that I like. For example, Link (The Legend of Zelda video games), Spider-man (Marvel comics), and Squirtle (Pokémon).

Since I am studying how to draw a horse, I plan to draw Link riding Epona. See? Something leads to something when you practice daily. My last drawing for this month is a horse that became the culmination of hours of studying on how to draw it. Drawing a horse in full body is my next step to reach my goal.

Horse, ink and markers
Horse, ink and markers

My other goal is to draw my original characters, so I am studying a book by Andrew Loomis. I know that to stylize my character is important to understand the fundamentals. Proportions, anatomy, perspective, etc.

And you guys, what you would like to improve? Which are your objectives to reach your goal?

Don’t forget to check my other artworks in Instagram and Facebook too.

Have a great weekend!

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