On Colors and Character Design

I regularly find myself analyzing my sketchbooks, wondering what I can learn from my visual development. Today I am writing to share with you my insights about what I created on the past weeks. Let us start on how is growing my fondness for pen, ink, watercolor, markers, and colored pencils. Ink was an intimidating medium that took me a while to loosen the flow of my marks that result in smooth lines. Sometime later, I followed some artists in YouTube that fed my confidence with pen and ink.

When I looked on my drawings, I realized that colors lean more towards warm and bright. In that case, I choose the brightest color that complements with my warm palette when working with cold colors as blue. By the way, the subjects for my drawings tend to vary from time to time while I experiment with some mediums. I dabble between Disney movies’ characters and The Legend of Zelda video games’ Link. Pokemon and Marvel/DC comics too.

I love to render textures, but I cannot wait to design good characters with more than a plain background. Next weeks I will study about those in the hope that I can render original characters with confidence. Sky is the limit!

Fellow creative individuals:
Wat are your insights on your latest creations?
What did you learn about yourself or your creations?

Wish you a creative week,

  • Shikigami Kooni
  • Wolf Pokemomn

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